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Help For Young People

There is very little information currently available for children and young people about their legal rights if interviewed by the police. From the age of 10 years, a child can be arrested and interviewed by the police, or asked to attend a voluntary interview. The law requires that children have an appropriate adult with them. This might often be a parent but, it is important to note that a trained appropriate adult will always encourage a child to have a solicitor.  

Vicky will be developing a website for children and young people but she will need to engage with them to find out how information about their legal rights can be presented in an interesting and engaging way. 

The Youth Justice Legal Centre, in conjunction with Just for Kids Law, have created this video to help inform children and young people about their legal rights as a suspect if arrested and detained by the police - What to expect at the police station. A child is not taken into custody in a voluntary interview but they have to have an appropriate adult and it is free to have a solicitor. The film does cover what what to do in relation to having a solicitor and what to say, or not to say, in the police interview. The video also summarises what can happen after the interview, including what options the police have in dealing with cases.

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Contact Us

Please contact us if you want more information. We will be developing this website with more interactive features to help people better understand their legal rights. We also think it is important for children and young people to know where they can find information about their legal rights. This is important because the law allows the police to interview a child of 10 years. While we know that children of that age do not understand what a solicitor is, or what they can do for them, it is important that they do have a solicitor to help them.

We would also like to hear from you what experiences you have had when being dealt with by the police. If you would like to talk to us about this, please contact us.

  • Address

    Know My Rights
    University Park
    NG7 2RD
    United Kingdom